Air Assault

While the first military application of a helicopter took place in 1942, when the German Kriegsmarine began to use Flettner FL-282s as anti-submarine warfare platforms, the helicopter truly came of age as a battlefield weapon during the Vietnam War. Unlike the Second World War, which saw many battles in or near heavily urbanized areas, with easy access, the war in Vietnam was one of often remote jungle battles. Men could slog through the dense terrain, but it was a grueling process, and with few exceptions, vehicles would simply not be able to navigate many of the engagement zones. Enter the helicopter.

Able to transport ground troops, heavy equipment, and even provide fire support to even the remotest of the hinterlands, helicopters changed the nature of ground conflict. Now, hunters from the sky did not have to be dropped from huge aircraft, scattered all over the countryside, but instead could be inserted precisely where they were needed. Likewise, if need be they could be extracted just as easily.